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資產 1.png

劉育明 Liu yu-ming


1.PM I / 2. PM II / 3. PM III /4. PM IV / 5. PM V

1.PM I / 2. PM II / 3. PM III /4. PM IV / 5. PM V



數位版、烤漆 Digital Print, Paint

「間接 ‧ 對畫」版畫展-高雄文化中心至真一館、南應大藝術中心
"Territory Expansion: Fate of Liao Xiuping"-Pingtung Art Museum
"Territory Expansion: Fate of Liao Xiuping"-Kaohsiung Cultural Center
"The Displacement of Times: 20 Years of Kaohsiung Award"-Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts
Miniature Transfer-2015 Printmaking Exhibition-Printed Original Prints Gallery
"Indirect ‧ Dialogue" Printmaking Exhibition-Kaohsiung Cultural Center Zhizhen No. 1 Hall, Nanying University Art Center全國版畫大展-中華民國版畫學會-台南美學館

National Printmaking Exhibition-The Republic of China Printmaking Society-Tainan Aesthetics Museum
Cross-border. Layout-Kunshan University of Science and Technology Creative Art Gallery
Ecological coexistence. Beautiful sympathy-National Taiwan University of Arts/Tianjin
Concentrate and Grow Asian Printmaking Exchange Exhibition-Pingtung Art Museum
Non-Stereographic Impressions-New Year's Contemporary Prints Exhibition in New Taipei City-Cultural Affairs Bureau of New Taipei City Government
第53屆全省美展 版畫類-銀牌獎
臺北縣美展 版畫類-大會獎
大敦美展 版畫類-銅牌獎
The 53rd Provincial Art Exhibition, Print Category-Silver Medal
Taipei County Art Exhibition, Printmaking Category-Conference Award
Datun Art Exhibition, Print Category-Bronze Medal
The 19th Kaohsiung City Art Exhibition-Kaohsiung Award
Collection of National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts-Draft. phase

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