王振泰 Wang Cheng Tai
鬱 deep blue
平版 Lithograph
M.F.A., Printmaking, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Taipei National University of the Arts, Taiwan.
M.F.A., Ink Painting, Graduate School of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan.
2016 《版圖擴張-緣聚廖修平》版畫聯展
2016 “Expanding the Scope of Printmaking : a gifted Venture with Liao Shiou-Ping”, Taiwan.
2012 《界面‧印痕─廖修平與臺灣現代版畫之發展》
2012 “Interface‧Imprint─ International Biennial Print Exhibition and the Development of Modern Printmaking in Taiwan”, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.
2001 台南縣政府「南瀛獎」
2001 Nan-Ying Award in Print Category, 15th Nan-Ying Art Exhibition, Tainan County, Taiwan
1994 全國美展版畫類第二名
1994 Second Prize in Printmaking category, 13th Fine Art Exhibition of R.O.C.