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飄在風中 Blowing In The Wind

飄在風中 Blowing In The Wind



鑄紙凸凹版 Paper pulp

2011 國立台東大學 美術產業學系副教授退休
2021 全國美展版畫類評審
2010 Associate Professor, Dept. of Art, National Taitung University
2021 Review of Printmaking Category at the National Art Exhibition
2001 《兩岸三地現代版畫邀請展》
2001 “Exhibition of Modern Printmaking across the Strait”
2003 第十一屆中華民國國際版畫雙年展
2003 “The International Biennial Print Exhibition”, R.O.C.
2011 《SKY─2011亞洲版/圖展》
2011 “SKY─2011 Asia Plate & Print Exhibition”
2012 《臨界‧跨越國際版畫展》
2012 “Approaching and Crossing”, International Print Exhibition (Chia Nan University of Pharmacy & Science)
2018 《2018亞洲當代版在竹縣》
1994 第21屆台北市美展油畫類第一名
1994 First Prize of Oil painting, Taipei Fine Arts Exhibition
1997 高雄市美展油畫類第一名(連續三年得獎獲高美館油畫類永久免審查)
2000 巴黎大獎推荐獎、南瀛美展南瀛獎
2000 Winner of “Grand Prix de Paris”
2000 First Prize, Nan-yin Fine Arts Exhibition, Tainan County, Taiwan.
2018 第十八屆中華民國國際版畫雙年展銀牌獎

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