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張家瑀Chang Chia-yu


生活印記 I、II、III  Imprint of life I、II、III

生活印記 I、II、III Imprint of life I、II、III


(I )29.5x30, (II) 39.5x39.5, (III) 46x44

手工紙、木刻印製、縫紉機縫紉 Woodcut, handmade paper, stitch

Professor, Graduate Institute and of Visual Arts, Department of Visual Arts,
National ChiaYi University, Taiwan(1999 ~)Full-time
國立台北藝術大學美術系兼任教授 (2006-2016)
Professor, School of Fine Arts, Department of Fine Art, Taipei National University
of the Arts,(2006 ~2016)Part-time
Master of Printmaking & Design, in college of Fine Arts, University of Sevilla,
Spain(1990 ~ 1994)
西班牙SEVILLA大學藝術創作博士 (西方版畫藝術對台灣當代版畫的影響)
PhD. in Fine Arts, in college of Fine Arts, University of Sevilla, Spain(1994 ~ 1999)
5 Professional books have been published
2001 印版與空間對話 版畫個展 交通大學藝文空間
Dialogue between printmaking and space Art Center of University Chiaotung
2005 橫豎正反 印 張家瑀版畫個展 國立台灣美術館
Horizontal Vertical Positive Negative Printmaking Chia Yu Chang Solo Exhibition
National Tiawan Museum
2007 Madrid Estampa 西班牙馬德里國際版畫博覽會 世貿中心展覽館
International Printmaking Fair Madrid World Trade Center Exhibition Hall
2009 張家瑀版畫創作個展(陶版版畫) 嘉大大學館展覽廳
Chia yu Chang Printmaking Solo Exhibition (Pottery plate Printmaking )
University Exhibition Hall National ChiaYi University
2012 詩與窗景(Poetry and Window Views)張家瑀平版版畫個展
Poetry and Window Views Chia yu Chang Lithograph Solo Exhibition
National ChiaYi University
1997 西班牙Jativa國際版畫展入選獎
Select in the IV Biennial International of Printmaking in XATIVA, Spain, 1997 .
1998 西班牙國家版畫獎入選獎
Select in VI National Chalcography Contest, Spain, 1998
1998 西班牙Sevilla大學全國藝術競賽版畫首獎
First Award of Printmaking in the IV National Premium of plastic arts, the University of Sevilla, Spain, 1998
2009 中國觀瀾版畫國際雙年展入選獎
Select in the II Biennial International of Printmaking in Quan-lan 2009, China
2018 澳門國際版畫三年展入選獎
Select in the II Triennial International of Printmaking in Macao 2018, China

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