蕭童 Hsiao Tong
劇場人生 Performance Life
蝕刻 Etching
Hsiao Tong, born in San Chong. Be an illustrator of newspaper supplements at twenty something years. After that established an art studio and started teaching students at Taipei till now.
Held “ Evolution, Landscape series” exhibitions (based on ink technique) for over ten times and kept doing printmaking art at the same time. When 2015, studied at department of printmaking, China Academy of Art in Hangzhou for a period of time.
Keep making print works constantly everyday now.
2020 進化x淨化 蕭童個展 人文遠雄展覽館 台北 台灣
2020 Evolution & Purification Farglory Exhibition Hall Taipei Taiwan
2020 台中藝術博覽會 台中日月千禧酒店 台中 台灣
2020 2020 Art Taichung Millennium Hotel Taichung Taiwan
2017 心境x新境 蕭童個展 新北市藝文中心 新北市 台灣
2017 A New Wonderful World New Taipei City Art Center
New Taipei City Taiwan
2015 流動風景 國立台灣大學醫學人文博物館 台北 台灣
2015 the flowing scene National Taiwan University Museum
Taipei Taiwan
2013 「進化x淨化風景」 中央研究院生圖美學空間
台北 台灣
2013 Evolution & Purification Art Space of Life Science Library
Academia Sinica Taipei Taiwan
2020 2020宜蘭獎 優選 宜蘭縣政府文化局
2020 2020Yilan Awards Honorable Mention
Cultural Affairs Bureau of Yilan County Taiwan
2012 國美館青年藝術家購藏計劃 獲選 國立台灣美術館
2012 2012Young Artist Collection Project Selected
National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts Taiwan
2012 2012高雄獎 素描類 優選 高雄市立美術館
2012 2012 Kaohsiung Awards Honorable Mention in the Category of
Drawing Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts Taiwan
第5, 11,13 屆國際版畫雙年展 入選
The 5th , 11th , 13th, International Biennial Print Exhibition Selected Taiwan
第13屆全國版畫展 優選
The 13th National Printmaking Exhibition Honorable Mention Taiwan