Suburban I
CV Aleksey Veselovskiy
born 30.05.1969, Moscow
Artist, printmaker, publisher
Founder of the Moscow printmaking studio "PiranesiLab"
Lives in Moscow
1989 — Moscow art college named after 1905 year
1992 — Tamarind institute, Albuquerque. USA
1996 — V. Surikov Moscow State Academy Art Institute
Member of the Union of Artists of Russia,
Member of the Union of Designers of of Russia
awards and achievements:
1996-2003 Diplomas of the Academy of Graphic Design at the All-Russia Exhibition and Competition "Design"
1998 — Grand Prix of the exhibition "The Best Postcards of Russia"
1998 — poster works are published in the album "Russian poster. 100 masterpieces for 100 years"
2003 — diploma of the 1st degree of "Design and Advertising » CHA. Moscow2003
2004 — award of the professional club of polygraphists "Maitre Polygraphy"
2005 — diploma of the 1st degree of the exhibition Design and Advertising » CHA. Moscow
1988 The 18th Youth Exhibition. Manege. Moscow
1990 The 19th Youth Exhibition. House of Artisis on the Kuznetsky most. Moscow
1992 «The Youth of Russia», CHA. Moscow.
1995 «100 years of Russian poster». Russian State Library. Moscow
2013 «Silk-screening of the Moscow studio». "Fabrica" project, Moscow
2011 «Life and Death», Erarta Museum, St. Petersburg
2016 «Senezh», Exhibition of Printmaking Workshops
2016 «Wanderer Gumilev», The State Library named after Dobrolyubov. Moscow.
2017 «Folds. Visible-invisible», Gallery A3, Moscow
2018 «Papermate», Scio. Italy
2018 «Russian Dictionary», gallery on Kashirka .Moscow
2018 «By-product», 2nd Triennial of Graphic Art in Novosibirsk
2018 «À distance. Printmaking,des paysscandinaves à l'Asie centrale», gallery l'Est, Knompen, France
2019 «Yellow sound» For the 85th anniversary of Alfred Schnittke. Tsaritsyno Museum-reserve
2019 «Zdanevich:HERE and NOW» Moscow museum of modern art (MMoMA)
2020 International Print Art Triennial, Sofia, Bulgaria
2020 The Center of the avant-garde on Shabolovka. Moscow.The exhibition “Strength of materials”
2020 Gallery on Kashirka, Moscow, Russia. MOST exhibition
2020 Cosmoscow international art fair 2020", Moscow, Russia
2021 China Printmaking Museum. "Branches from the Same Tree: Russian and American Printmaking Exhibition (part1)"
solo exhibitions:
1996 "Manufacture" Editorial Board of DI. Moscow.
2016 IGUMO. Moscow. "By-product"
2017 CCI ”Factory", Moscow. "Virtual cinema"
2018 "By-product-2” Novosibirsk State art museum
1997- 2007 Expositions at annual exhibitions "Design and Advertising" CHA. Moscow
2015 Exposition of young Moscow artists at the XXth Kaliningrad Biennale
2016 Eugene Dobrovinsky, the exhibition "My Family" CCI "Factory." Moscow
2017 Alexander Konoplev, exhibition "Other". CTI "Factory." Moscow
2017 Sergei Barkhin, exhibition, book "White on Black." "PiranesiLAB". Moscow
2018 exhibition "engraving of Dmitry Bisti." PiranesiLAB. Moscow
2018 Katya Molchanova, exhibition "Not May Month". PiranesiLAB. Moscow
2018 exposition of Moscow graphics at the 2nd Triennial of Graphics in Novosibirsk
2013-2020 Institute of Business and Design. Moscow. workshop of Boris Trofimov. Leading Teacher -
2015 - Art and Design School of the Higher School of Economics. Moscow.
Curator of the master's degree programm "Printmaking and illustration" -
1989 DT Chelyuskinskaya
1993 Summer Printing Program of the Tamarind Institute
1995 DT Senezh
1996 DT Senezh