陳華俊 CHEN Hua-Chun

Love Like Jazz, Kiss My Ass
凸版 Relief
2017 文化大學美術系兼任講師
Adjunct Instructor of Fine Arts Department, Chinese Culture University, Taipei City
2012 擔任藝術家謝里法「舊版新印」版畫展,作品版印顧問,印製謝 老師全套版畫作品
Artwork Consultant of Printmaking case “Old plates‐new prints : a solo exhibition by Shaih Lifa”
2011 任第21屆中華民國版畫學會理事
Chairperson of Printmaking Society of R.O.C.
2008 華梵大學美術系兼任教師
Adjunct Instructor of Fine Arts Department, Huafan University, New Taipei City
2007 北藝大造形研究所版畫組碩士畢業
Graduated from Taipei National University of Arts (TNUA), M.F. A. of Printmaking.
2018 亞洲當代版畫展在竹縣,新竹縣文化局
Contemporary Asia Printmaking Exhibition In Hsinchu County,Hsinchu,Taiwan
2016 Love Like Jazz, Kiss My Ass,l’Atelier de la rue des Cascades,Paris,France
2014 Love Like Jazz, Kiss My Ass 陳華俊版畫個展, 岩筆模藝廊, 台北
“Love Like Jazz, Kiss My Ass”, MBmore Gallery, Taiwan, R.O.C.
2013 凝聚與生發-亞洲版畫交流展, 屏東美術館, 屏東
“Asia Print Exhibition”, Pingtung Art Museum, Pingtung , Taiwan, R.O.C.
2013 臺灣-天津濱海版畫作品交流展, 天津濱海國際會展中心, 中國天津
“Taiwan‐Tianjin Printmaking Exchange Exhibition”, Binhai International Convention and ExhibitionCenter, Tianjin City, China
2010 中華民國全國版畫展第七屆版畫大獎
Grand prize of 7th National Printmaking Exhibition, Taiwan, R.O.C.
2005 全國版畫展創作獎
Creativity Prize of National Printmaking Exhibition, Taiwan, R.O.C.
2003 第十二屆中華民國國際版畫暨素描雙年展入選
Selected in the 12th International Biennial Print and Drawing Exhibition of the Republic of China
2005 國父紀念館—理性之愛背後的真相(雙圖版), 台北
“The Truth of Platonic Love”, Sun Yat‐sen Memorial Hall, Taiwan, R.O.C.
2003 國立台灣美術館—好好先生系列, 台中
“Serial Print of Mr. Nice”, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan