陳景容 Chen,Ching jung

海邊的靜物 Still Life By The Sea
石版畫 Lithograph
1. 1968 國立藝專及中國文化學院 美術系 教授 (Professor of Dept. of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Academy of Arts, and College of Chinese Culture)
2. 1977 國立台灣師範大學 美術系 教授 (Professor of Dept. of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University)
3. 1996 國立台灣師範大學美術系及研究所教授 (Professor of Dept. of Fine Arts and Graduate School of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University)
4. 2006 國立台灣師範大學美術研究所 名譽教授 (Honorary Professor of Graduate School of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University)
1. 2010 法國Vesoul 市政廳展出 (Artworks exhibited at Vesoul City hall, France)
2. 2009 台北國父紀念館「陳景容創作五十年回顧展」 (Retrospective Exhibition of Creative Artworks of Fifty Years by Chen Ching-Jung at Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall, Taipei)
3. 2007 法國羅浮宮沙龍展參展 (Participated in the salon exhibition at the Louvre Museum, France)
4. 2003 「台灣畫家國家美術協會S.N.B.A.聯展」於巴黎羅浮宮 (Taiwan painters and Societe Nationale des Beaus-Arts (SNBA) Join Artwork Exhibition at the Louvre Museum, Paris.
5. 2002 日本東京練馬美術館 陳景容個展 (Chen Ching-June solo Exhibition at Nerima Museum of Fine Arts, Tokyo, Japan)
1. 北京「2008奧林匹克美術大會」獲頒奧運聖火火炬、永久典藏證書及金牌獎章 (Awarded Special Select Award at Olympic of Fine Arts 2008 in Beijing; awarded the year’s Olympic Torch, Permanent Certificate and Gold Prize)
2. 2005 文建會第八屆文馨獎 (Awarded at the 8th Wenxin Awards held by the Council for Culture Affairs)
3. 2002 獲頒師大傑出校友 (Awarded Outstanding Alumnus by National Taiwan Normal University)
4. 2000 獲法國藝術家沙龍榮譽獎 (Awarded Honor Award from French Artist Salon)
5. 1999 獲法國藝術家沙龍優化銀牌 (Awarded Silver Medal for Oil Painting from the French Artist Salon)