張鴻煜 Chang, Hng-yu
搞什麼飛機?What has happened?
併用版:凸版、型版、數位版 Combined Print, Relief, Stencil, Digital Print
Graduated from the Department of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University & Institute of Education Policy and Management , National Taichun University of Education
2. 小學校長退休retired from elementary school principal
3. 南投縣美術協會、中華民國版畫協會會員
Member of the Nantou Fine Arts Association and the Print Association of the ROC
1.2018-2020南投藝術家聯展 2018-2020 Nantou investment artist exhibition
2.2016-2020埔里小鎮寫生隊聯展2016-2020Puri Town Life Team Exhibition
2017-2020Taichun University of Education art family exhibition
4.2021怡廬雅集聯展 2021 Yilu elegant taste Joint Exhibition
In 1989,the third prize in the print category of the 12th Republic of China Fine Arts Exhibition
2. 1992、1994、2020年中華民國第7、9、36屆版印年畫徵選首獎,
The 7th、9th and 36th Annual Exhibition of New Year Print, ROC of China were selected for the first prize in 1992、1994、2020
Award for Excellence of the National Print Exhibition of the ROC in1993
4. 1994年台北市第21屆美術展版畫類優選
Award for Excellence of the 21st Art Exhibition print category of Taipei City