林福全 Lin Fu-Chuan

對話 Dialogue
併用版 Combined Print
˙國立台灣師範大學美術系藝術學博士˙Phd. of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University Department of Arts.
˙中華民國版畫學會會員˙Member of the Printmaking Society of R.O.C.
˙中華民國油畫學會會員˙Member of the Oil painting Society of R.O.C.
˙台灣今日畫家協會會員˙Member of the Association of Taiwan Artist Today.
˙2019 國父紀念館逸仙藝廊「因為,愛」油畫個展˙2019 Originated from Lov, solo Exhibition,
˙2018 新竹縣文化局「人間關懷」油畫個展˙2018 Lov & Concern, solo Exhibition, Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Hsinchu County Government.
˙2017 高雄文化中心「人間關懷」油畫個展˙2017 Lov & Concern, solo Exhibition, Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Kaohsiung.
˙個展18次˙Held Solo Exhibition 18 Times in Taiwan.
˙國內外聯展數十次˙Held Group Exhibition More Than 10 Times in Place Such as Taiwan, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Korea, China, etc.
˙1995第14屆全國版畫展第一名˙1995 The First Prize, The 14th National Print Exhibition.
˙1996第13屆高雄市美展版畫第二名˙1996 The Second Prize in Printmaking , The 13th Kaohsiung Art Exhibition.
˙1999第23屆全國油畫展第一名˙1999 The First Prize, The 23th Oil painting Exhibition in Taiwan.
˙1999第5屆大墩美展油畫第二名˙1999 The Second Prize in Oil painting, The 5th Dadun Art Exhibition.
˙2000第14屆南瀛美展油畫優選˙2000 The Merit Prize in Oil painting, The 14th Nanying Awards.