吳明玲 Wu,Ming-Ling
境生象外 The situation is born outside the image
併用版 Combined Print
Printmaking teacher, Wanhua Community University, Taipei City
Printmaking teacher, Beitou Community University, Taipei City
AP版畫創作空間教師 AP Printmaking Creative Space Teacher
新北投驛站講堂講師 Lecturer at Xinbeitou Station
Bopiliao Historic District, Taipei City-Artist-in-residence
2013/﹝亞歷山大圖書館國際雙年展微型圖形﹞邀請展 埃及
2013Miniature Graphics Invitational Exhibition of the International Biennale of the Library of Alexandria Egypt
2015﹝澳門版畫三年展﹞澳門版畫研究中心 澳門
2015Macau Printmaking Triennial Macau Printmaking Research Center Macau
2019﹝喜悅的本色﹞台灣美術院藝術空間 台北
2019 The True Color of Joy-Taiwan Academy of Fine Arts Art Space, Taipei
2020﹝中華民國第19屆國際版畫雙年展﹞國立台灣美術館 台中
2020 The 19th International Printmaking Biennale of the Republic of China-National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung
2020﹝國際迷你版畫邀請展﹞國立臺灣師範大學國際版畫中心 台北
2020 International Mini Prints Invitational Exhibition, National Taiwan Normal University International Print Center, Taipei
2006瓦倫西亞大學 西班牙 2006 University of Valencia Spain
2012國立台灣師範大學美術系典藏品維護與保存計畫 台北
2012 National Taiwan Normal University Department of Fine Arts Collection Maintenance and Preservation Project, Taipei
2013﹝亞歷山大圖書館國際雙年展微型圖形﹞邀請展 埃及
2013 Miniature Graphics Invitational Exhibition of the International Biennale of the Library of Alexandria Egypt
2018國立臺灣師範大學藝術學院 國際版畫中心 台北
2018 National Taiwan Normal University Art College, International Printmaking Center, Taipei
2020中華民國第19屆國際版畫雙年 -國立台灣美術館 台中
2020 The 19th International Printmaking Biennial of the Republic of China-National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung