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徐明豐 HSU Ming-feng


城市‧景觀 City/Landscape

城市‧景觀 City/Landscape



絹印 Silkscreen

臺灣藝術大學 版畫藝術研究所 碩士
玄奘大學視覺傳達設計學系 兼任講師
國立東華大學藝術與設計學系 兼任講師
中國科技大學視覺傳達設計學系 兼任講師
豐喜堂版畫工坊 藝術總監
M.A., Graduate School of Printmaking, National Taiwan University of Arts.
Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Arts and Design, National Dong Hwa University.
Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Visual Communication Design, Hsuan Chuang University, Taiwan.
Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Visual Communication Design, China University of Technology.
Art Director of Fong Si Tong print studio.
2018 川流之魄 2018徐明豐創作個展 台中市 大墩文化中心 大墩藝廊
2017 境‧向~徐明豐~繪畫創作展 新竹縣政府文化局
2020 第八屆蔚山國際木版畫藝術節 韓國 蔚山
2016 大河傳承-十青版畫會42週年展 國立歷史博物
2014 臺灣木版畫現代進行式 國立臺灣美術館
2018 The Soul of Stream: Hsu Ming Feng Solo Exhibitio, The Taichung City Dadun Cultural Center, Taiwan.
2017 The Glimmering City: Hsu Ming Feng Solo Exhibition,Inno Art Gallery, Hsinchu County, Taiwan.
2020 The 8th Ulsan International Woodcut Print Art Festival.
2016 LEGACY of the Great River ( Anniversary of Evergreen Graphic Art Association),National Gallery, National Museum of History, Taipei.
2014 The Progress in Taiwan Modern Printmaking: Woodcut & Its Variations, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung.
1985-1990 第一屆至第六屆文建會年畫徵選首獎
1992 第十九屆台北市美展版畫第一名
1993 中國第五屆全國版畫三版展銅牌獎
2012 101年全國美術展 版畫類 銀牌獎
2018 中華民國第十八屆國際版畫雙年展 佳作
1985-1990 First Prize, The 1st-The 6st New Year Painting Contest, Cultural Planning and Development Council.
1992 First Prize Paint Category, 19th Taipei Art Exhibition, Taiwan.
1993 Bronze Medal, 5th National Print Exhibition, China.
2012 Silver Medal Prize in the Prints Category, 2012 ROC National Art Exhibition, Taiwa.
2018 Honorable Mention, International Biennial Print Exhibit: 2018 ROC, Taiwa.

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