Vasily Vlasov

90 x 67 cm
Color Lithograph
Vlasov Vasily
Was born on May, 8th, 1953 in Moscow
1968 — 72 Alma-Ata art school
1977 — 82 The Moscow polygraphic Institute
1982 — 87 Lecturer at the Moscow polygraphic Institute
1988 — 89 fellow of the Union of artists of the USSR
1991 Member of the artists Union of USSR (since 1992 the Moscow Union of artists)
Participated in more than 270 exhibitions
Curated national and international exhibitions “International Association
“Artist’s book”
The publisher and editor of exhibition catalogues “Artist’s Book”
Member of the Academy of Analytical Arts
Personal exhibitions
1992 “Our heritage”, Moscow. Russia
1993 Gallery “Bastiaans”, Boxmeer. Holland
1993 “GALEREIE IN DER STERNGASSE”, Vienna, Austria
Gallery “Sovart”, Moscow, Russia
Municipal gallery, Bergen, Holland
Gallery Peter Dima, Amsterdam, Holland
1995 SvetoCentre “PHILIPS”, Moscow, Russia
1999 Russian Fund of culture, Moscow, Russia
2000 Gallery of modern art “Mars”, Moscow, Russia
2001 Carnegie Centre, Moscow, Russia
ABC-Bank, Moscow, Russia
2009 Gallery “J ‘ Art”, Moscow, Russia
2012 “BIBLIONIGHT”. “Outdoor club”. Moscow, Russia
“The house on the Patriarchal”. “The album”. Moscow, Russia
“Aromatica metaphor.” The state Museum A. N. Radishchev. Saratov, Russia
2013 “Music album”. The house on the Yauza. (39 mashups). Moscow, Russia
2015 “The Mazes of time”. State Museum of arts A. Kasteev. Alma-Аta, Republic Of Kazakhstan