Vladimir Nasedkin

Structure III
86х60cм (paper)
Color gravure on metal
Vladimir Nikitovich Nasedkin (born 4 April 1954) — Russian artist, painter, graphic artist, sculptor, photographer, object and installation artist.
Born in Ivdel, Sverdlovsk Region, Urals.
In 1976 he graduated from the Graphic art faculty of Nizhniy Tagil State teacher training college. He studied under the supervision of Lev Perevalov and Konstantin Cherepanov.
Between 1977 and 1989 was teaching at the graphic art faculty of Nizhniy Tagil teacher training college.
A member of the Russian Artists Union since 1983.
Honoured Russian Artist (1996).
Honoured Artist of Northern Ossetia-Alania (2010).
Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Arts (2015).
He has been living and working in Moscow since 1997.
He took part in international art fairs such as:
1990 The Fifth International Contemporary Art Fair. Convention Center, Los-Angeles, USA.
1991 The Fifth International Contemporary Art Fair. London Olympia. London, England.
1993 International Art Fair. Avignon, France.
Art-Myth International Art Fair. Sothebys Auction. Moscow Manege.
1997 The Harmony of Contrasts. Russian Art of the Second Half of the XXth Century. Exhibition and Auction. Magnum Arts Association, Russian Academy of Arts, Moscow.
Graphic Contest – Exhibition at the Russian Academy of Arts, Moscow.
2000 International Book Fair, Leipzig, Germany.
ART — FOR — First International Auction Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Donetsk, Ukraine.
2001 XIX Modern Art Fair. Art-Brussels Expo. Brussels, Belgium.
2003 Bridge to Modern Culture Integration at International Graphic Triennial Krakow-2003.
Moscow Museum of Modern Art. Moscow.
State Prize 2002. Exhibtition at the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.
2003, 2004 International Festival of Contemporary Art “ArtKlyazma”.
2004 International Fotobiennale, Moscow.
2004, 2006, 2009, 2011 “Art Moscow” International Art Fair.
2009, 2010 International Art Salon “Brafa”, Brussles, Belgium.
2011 Venice Biennale. Solo exhibition at Ca Foscari University. Venetian Strophes by J. Brodsky in V. Nasedkin's engravings. Venice, Italy.
2012 Museo Petro Canonica in Villa Borghese. Solo exhibition — Venetian Strophes by J. Brodsky in V. Nasedkin's engravings. Rome, Italy.
The Fifth International Biennale of Contemporary Art ALUMINIUM, Baku, Azerbaijan.
2015 The Fifth International Biennale of Contemporary Art, Moscow.
Art Triennale ECHIGO-TSUMARI. Japan
2016 «The Journey from Here to There. Vladimir Nasedkin end Andrey Chegin». Erarta Galleries Hong Kong.
Participated in numerous projects of the largest museums of Russia, such as:
The State Hermitage Museum, Saint-Petersburg: 848. Collection of Jorge Machare and Nadya Volkonskaya, 2013.
The State Russian Museum, Saint- Petersburg: Abstract Art of Russia. ХХ Century, 2001; Collage in Russia, 2006; Adventures of the Black Square, 2007; Skulpture of paper, 2014.
The State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow: Abstract Art of Russia, 2002; Revision of materials, 2005–2006; Tretyakov Gallery's Reserve exhibitions.
The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow: Studio Senezh — 55 Etchings, 2003.
The State Museum of Oriental Art, Moscow: Gardens and deserts, 1999.
All-Russian Decorative-Applied and Folk Art Museum, Moscow: Objects and Things, 2003. Code of epoque, 2013. Intervetion. 2015.
Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow: 2003 Bridge to Modern Culture Integration at International Graphic Art Triennial Krakow-2003; New Angelarium, 2007; “Ready for the flight?” 2014. A number of exhibitions from the museum reserve.
Between 2000–01 N.Nasedkin was teaching at Free Workshops at the School of Modern Art, a part of Moscow Museum of Modern Art.
National Centre for Contemporary Art, Moscow. Dedicated to A. Pushkin... 1999; Charity Auction in support of Folk Arts at the 9th Art Fair Art-Moscow, 2004; Poet and Artist's book. Between text and image, 2005; Transition in Russia. 2008; Exhibition / Presentation of “Alanica” International Symposium, 2010; Charity auction of the works by Russian Contemporary Artists in support of A. Erofeev and U. Samodurov, 2010. «Lucida». 2014.
Andrey Sakharov Museum and Public Centre, Wallpaper (Stengazeta), 2000.
All-Russian Decorative-Applied and Folk Art Museum, Moscow: Objects and Things, 2003, Code of Epoque, 2013
Also: Exhibition halls of the Central and New (Small) Manezh, Central House of Artists, Contemporary Art Centre Winzavod, Artplay Design Centre, Moscow Polytechnical Museum, The State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia, Tsaritsyno Museum, among others.
As a curator V. Nasedkin organized a number of Art Symposiums: in Tatarstan (1978), Yakutia (1979), Karelia (1980), Altay (1981), Solovki (1982), Khakassia (1983), Urals (1984-85), Ferapontovo (1986), Uglich (1987), Latvia (1988) and Crimea (1989).
Together with Tatiana Badanina he organized and curated an International Symposium in the Urals (1989), in Nepal (Kathmandu), Tibet (Lhasa, 2000), on Lake Baikal (2001) and in Ferapontovo (2003).
As designers Vladimir Nasedkin and Tatiana Badanina worked on a pavilion for the Russian/Ukranian Consortium AN-70 at an International Avia Show in Germany- ILA in Berlin, 2000; at The Second International Space Show in Kiev, AVIASVIT-ХХI. Ukraine, 2000; at The Third China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition. Zhuhai, 2000; they also designed a number of interiors in Moscow and in Kiev.
V. Nasedkin participated in a number of Internationals Symposiums (painting, graphics and sculpture) in Russia, USA, Austria, Norway, Romania, France, Turkey, Poland, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Japan.
The State Hermitage Museum, Saint-Petersburg
The State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow
The State Russian Museum, Saint-Petersburg
The Moscow Kremlin Museums, Moscow
The State Museum of Oriental Art, Moscow
National Centre for Contemporary Arts, Moscow
Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow
Collection of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
The State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Musée National d'Art Moderne, Centre Georges-Pompidou, Paris, France
Albertina Museum, Vienna, Austria
The Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers University. New Brunswick, USA
National Library of Russia, Moscow
The National Library at the Italian Senate, Rome, Italy
Collection of Stella Art Foundation, Moscow
Collection of AVC Charity Foundation, Moscow
In state museums of: Kalinigrad, Nizhniy Tagil, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Tomsk,
Krasnoyarsk, Perm, Berdsk, Arkhangelsk, Irbit, Lipetsk, Sayansk, Saratov, Samara, Ufa,
Tver, Yelets, Lipetsk, Oryol, Vologda, Chelyabinsk, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Barnaul, Surgut,
Vladikavkaz, Bishkek, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Vilnius, Donetsk, Astana, Yerevan, Tallinn, Cairo,
Belgrade, Stockholm, Malbork, Lodz, Lubin, Kotamachi.
Judges Award at The First International UNTERPRINT Exhibition, Lviv, Ukraine, 1990.
Grand Prix at The Third International Print Art Biennale, Kaliningrad, 1994.
The First Prize at The Painting Contest in Tver, 1995.
The First Prize at The Second International Print Art Triennial, Cairo, Egypt, 1996.
The First Prize at The Fifth International Print Art Biennale, Lodz, Poland, 1996.
Prize of the Museum of the World Ocean at the Forth International Print Art Biennale. Kaliningrad, Russia, 1996.
Prize of Lithuanian Art Academy at The Third International Biennale of Graphic Art, Vilnius, Lithuania, 1998.
The First Prize at The First International Print Art Biennale, Novosibirsk, 1999.
G. Mosin Prize of Sverdlovsk Region Ministry of Culture, 2005.
The First Prize at The First International Festival of Landscape Sculpture, Yekaterinburg, 2006.
The First Prize of Sitronics Company at The Second International Exhibition of Outdoor Sculpture ARTPOLE 2006, Moscow.
Prize of the Museum of the World Ocean at the Forth International Print Art Biennale. Kaliningrad, Russia, 1996.
Grant from the Ministry of Culture of France AAFA. Paris, France. Cité Internationale des Arts. 2007, 2011, 2012.